
The Comfort of Home® caregiving training series is a trademark of CareTrust Publications, an independent multi-language publisher committed to providing high quality, user-friendly information to those who face their own aging or the responsibilities of caring for family, friends, or clients.

What is Caregiving?

Over one in four Americans provide care to family and friends, caregiving in the home is the fastest-growing unpaid profession in America. More and more, the burden of caring for the frail parent or relative falls on a family member. Without training, and often with little time to spare, family members must learn the caregiver’s job, find health care financing, retrofit the home for a disabled person, and become both nurse and counselor.

CareTrust Publications provides assistance to caregivers and organizations through our caregiver training guides,  journal, videos, newsletters, and instructor training materials. These caregiver resources are written to eighth grade level – easy to read, illustrated, with tips and notes, and peppered with humor.  The award winning materials have proven to be cost effective and time saving for a variety of organizations serving and training both family and para-professional caregivers including nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, HMOs, senior care facilities, home care agencies, and individual family caregivers.

For more history view  Stroke Connection Magazine Article

For more information on our services, please  Call us at 1-(800) 565-1533 or   Email Us for Details.


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