Resources for Family Caregivers

If you support family caregivers … HERE are the tools to help you do that.

Caregiving in The Comfort of Home® products are created to educate and support family caregivers as they care for friends or their loved ones.  The award-winning materials cover the spectrum of tasks family caregivers will face in a clear, simple, illustrated and at times humorous style.

Family caregiver support materials meet federal government funding mandates, in addition to being cost-effective resources for agencies, nonprofit organizations and medical facilities. The complete set of caregiving materials is designed to help you support family caregivers.




  • NEWSLETTERS  The Caregiver Assistance News the monthly newsletter that gives family caregivers the information needed to do their job with confidence, pride and an increased level of competence. A perfect way to support caregivers who cannot come to support group meetings or trainings. The Caregivers-Let’s Take Care of You! newsletter is designed to help caregivers avoid stress and burnout, encourages use of back-up care, health and well-being, resources, and much more. The Grand-Parenting News supports grandparents taking care of grand-children of any age.



  • TRAINING KITS  For complete in-service caregiver training programs, The Comfort of Home® series includes “one-stop” Caregiver Training Kits. Presentation Kits include a PowerPoint presentation, instructor’s notes and handouts designed to deliver a comprehensive family or para-professional caregiver training program.



PRAISE   “A must have resource for anyone assuming or considering the caregiver role. Physicians, family practitioners and geriatricians, and hospital social workers should be familiar with the book and recommend it to families of the elderly.”Reviewers Choice, Home Care University Quality Review 

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