
We believe The Comfort of Home caregiver materials reflect currently accepted practice in the areas they cover. However, the authors and publisher assume no liability with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or application of information presented here.


The Comfort of Home® publications are not meant to replace medical care but to add to the medical advice and services you receive from health care professionals. You should seek professional medical advice from a health care provider. This information is only a guide; follow your common sense and good judgment.


Neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, account­ing, or other professional advice. Seek the services of a competent profes­sional if legal, architectural, or other expert assistance is required. The materials do not represent Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.

Every effort has been made at the time of publication to provide accurate names, addresses, and phone numbers in the resource   section at the end of each chapter. The resources listed are those that benefit readers nationally. For this reason we have not included many local groups that offer valuable assistance. Failure to include an organization does not mean that it does not provide a valuable service. On the other hand, inclusion does not imply an endorsement. The authors and publisher do not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in this book and did not perform any independent analysis of the products described.


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