Content Licensing

An extremely cost-effective resource for companies to quickly implement
and promote their brands with media initiatives involving caregiving

Content licensing of Caregiving in The Comfort of Home® caregiver training and support materials for general caregiving or disease-specific caregiving is the ideal solution for businesses, non-profits, and government agencies seeking caregiving tips, solutions, and guides to use in their advertising and promotional material or service needs. We work closely with clients and their advertising agencies to develop creative uses of caregiving information in their caregiver education programs. We also work with expert writers who can tailor content for specific disease conditions.

CONTENT  We offer text and illustrations including Web page insertions — whether disease-specific or general caregiving. We license our content to organizations, which select sections from our materials for use in their own media. We can deliver content to your organization in Word, PDF, or other formats, including illustrations.

PRINTED MATERIALS  Our materials are used in pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, or advertising materials and media. Often our clients request a publication but want a specialized insert giving recognition to a particular funder or local agencies to be contacted.

CONTACT US for a quote or discussion about how we might work together. Email Maria Meyer, President/Publisher or call us at 800-565-1533.

OUR CLIENTS include pharmaceutical companies, social service agencies, and non-profits in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United States and web-based content providers, such as


  • EUROPE – Licensed our highly popular Caregiver Assistance News content for Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide for use in patient/caregiver newsletters in Europe for Novartis Pharma AG. FRANCE – Provided content for Novartis Pharma S.A.S.’s website. Novartis has developed a web-based platform called “Virtual House” as part of its commitment to proximology, a new area of research focused on the study of the relationship between the patient and his caregivers. A novel, personalized service, Virtual House helps patients and caregivers reduce risks of domestic accidents and improve the safety, comfort, and quality of life for chronically ill persons living at home. Most people with severe, chronic illnesses want to continue living at home with their families in familiar surroundings as long as possible. It is often necessary, however, to rearrange living space to make homecare easier for both patients and caregivers. PHILLIPINES – Provide the National College of Business and Arts (NCBA) caregiver guides for its professional training program. Provide books to Operation Medical Libraries. SINGAPORE – License Mini-Guide content for use by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) — set up by the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) to oversee, coordinate, and facilitate all efforts in care integration — and partner agency Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA). Caregiver training content was translated into Malay, Bahasa, Mardarin, and Tagalog. UK – Partnered with the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) to produce an edition for the  UK market Caring in The Comfort of Home. EFNA’s main aim is to improve the quality of life of people in Europe who live with long-term and often extremely debilitating illnesses. Caregivers also “live” with the illnesses of those for whom they care.US – Nationwide reach to support caregivers from large agencies such City of Los Angeles Department on Aging, State of Arizona Department on Aging, and customized 50,000+ Mini-Guides for In Home Supportive Services for the State of California (IHSS Public Authority), to small home care agencies. Our materials are offered in Spanish, Russian, and Cantonese. Internet content provider has licensed content from us and displays the content on various pages in the website presentation.
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